Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Potty Training Baby Hamsters

Contrary to popular belief baby hamsters can be potty trained the same as any other pet. The only difference is that it will take a bit more work to train hamster pups. Although, I will say that is a very rewarding feeling to know that you have trained your hamster. Here are a few steps that you can follow to help you on your way to potty training your baby hamsters.

The first thing you will need to do is find the "potty spot" this is the place in your hamsters' home where they regularly go to the bathroom. Simply get a jar or cup that your hamster can comfortably sit in. Preferably this should be a glass jar as your hamsters might chew through anything else and metal will rust and corrode. Turn the cup on it's side and place it in the area where your pets like to go potty. To help encourage the use of this makeshift potty, add some soiled bedding into the jar. Adding the the soiled bedding will help your hamsters get the idea. You will be surprised at how quickly your hamsters learn to use the potty.

baby hamstersPotty training your baby hamsters helps keep their home nice and clean. Here are some benefits of potty training you pet hamsters:

  • Keep you hammies home nice and clean.
  • Cleaning is easier when you only need to rinse out a jar.
  • Save money on bedding as total cage cleanings can be done less often
  • Keep your hamsters happier and healthier by keeping their waste away from their toys and food.

Keep in mind that hamsters will constantly leave droppings, even as they walk. It is impossible to avoid droppings all over the cage but unlike urine, droppings dry quickly and are orderless.

Hope You Enjoyed The Baby Hamsters,

Baby Hamster Fan

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